Wednesday, 13 July 2011

TRO - Advance Copy Arrives

In the Thyme universe memorable things seem to happen on the thirteenth day of the month - so it was uncannily appropriate that my advance copy of "Thyme Running Out" should arrive today.

It's been great to finally hold a real three dimensional copy of TRO, after having nothing but mounds of type-written pages for eons. I was especially pleased to see the dust-jacket, which, up until now, I've only seen on my computer screen. The front cover, with its reds, blues, purples and gold hourglass looks really vibrant and eye-catching. (I'll probably post a photo of the back cover in my next post).

The book itself - at 448 pages - feels substantial and has a look of quality about it. I'm delighted with it ... and feel sure that readers of JT will not be disappointed. My thanks to Inside Pocket for doing a splendid job!

Dr Eamon Agapix


  1. Wholeheartedly agree. The book is very classy looking and the contents - What Larks, Pip!

  2. Aha! Well, apart from myself and those at Inside Pocket HQ, you're the only other person to get hold of a copy!
