Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Although I announced the date of the "Thyme Running Out" launch a few weeks ago, (10th of September 2011), I can now confirm the starting time (different to last year): I'll begin signing books at 11 am.

If you are planning to attend, I recommend arriving early - there will be a special treat for the first few in the queue. More details later ...

If you're unable to come but would still like to obtain a signed copy of TRO, then the Cotswold Bookstore are willing to mail them out immediately after the signing, (so you'll still get them well ahead of the official release date). To enquire, email them at cotsbookstore@tiscali.co.uk or telephone 01608 652666.

Morgan de Paxia

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

"Thyme Running Out" - Back Cover

As promised last week, here is a look at TRO's back cover design.

In style and colours the dust-jacket intentionally matches JT - and, once again, has the blurb written in the X/hourglass shape. It includes photos of the Old Thyme Clock and Justin's (converted motorbike) time machine, plus a few other bits and pieces that feature in the story.

Click the picture for a larger view!

Ariadne Gampox

Saturday, 16 July 2011

"Justin Thyme" in Paperback

I had another exciting package in today's mail - an early copy of the "Justin Thyme" paperback! This is due for official release on the 1st of September 2011 ... just a few weeks away.

Compared to the HB, (above), it's smaller - more compact, although with a slightly higher page-count, (because the different size/format meant the internal layout had to be adjusted leading to a few extra pages here and there).

I'm really pleased with how it's turned out; hopefully, it will help bring JT to a wider audience - and might also come in handy for TOT fans who want to pencil any clues they find in the margins (but don't want to spoil their 1st edition HB).

For readers who first discover JT through the paperback there's good news: you won't have long to wait for part two of the story, as "Thyme Running Out" is officially release just one month later - and those coming to the book-launch will get their copies almost three weeks earlier!

I've prepared a special limited edition bookmark to mark the JT PB publication, and have plans for a blog-based competition. More news of that shortly.

Adrian Moxpage

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

TRO - Advance Copy Arrives

In the Thyme universe memorable things seem to happen on the thirteenth day of the month - so it was uncannily appropriate that my advance copy of "Thyme Running Out" should arrive today.

It's been great to finally hold a real three dimensional copy of TRO, after having nothing but mounds of type-written pages for eons. I was especially pleased to see the dust-jacket, which, up until now, I've only seen on my computer screen. The front cover, with its reds, blues, purples and gold hourglass looks really vibrant and eye-catching. (I'll probably post a photo of the back cover in my next post).

The book itself - at 448 pages - feels substantial and has a look of quality about it. I'm delighted with it ... and feel sure that readers of JT will not be disappointed. My thanks to Inside Pocket for doing a splendid job!

Dr Eamon Agapix